
Friday, June 9, 2017

How to Drink more Water with the Hidrate Spark

Its been a while since I've written anything on my blog. The reason is I've been a bit pre-occupied with school, work, and Calum- but also because i have had the opportunity to try the new Hidrate Spark. In my about section you'll see what i want this blog to turn into. Part of what i want to bring is cool products that i think everyone would like... Today i want to talk about this awesome water bottle and give you an in depth look at what its all about!

With the app, it is always syncing with your bottle to update your intake.
So i always like to give a back story because otherwise it would end up being a pretty stale post. If you read my post on the RXBAR, then you'll have an idea as to how i got involved into lifting, and really enjoying spending time at the gym. When i first starting working out i wasn't taking any supplements, and after really finding a routine, i noticed that i was always lethargic at the gym. I also could never make it through a workout. After coming to the conclusion that dehydration was probably a factor, i started increasing my water intake. I increased my water intake from about 30 oz. a day to roughly 80 oz. Honestly, increasing that made a huge difference in my stamina and energy at the gym.

Unless you have a shaker bottle that has measurements on the side, it can be a bit hard to measure your intake. Even if you have a shaker, it can be hard to keep track of your water intake unless your keeping a log of every time you drink. When i came across the Hidrate Spark, my first impression of the idea was pretty cool. It incorporates technology into something you wouldn't think could be "techy". Before i continue about the cool features of the Hidrate Spark, checkout some benefits of why you should be drinking more water!

  • Flush toxins from the body
  • Promotes healthy skin
  • Helps reduce fat and build lean muscle
  • Improves circulation
  • Prevents headaches

These are a few reasons to start drinking more water! To be honest, i stopped drinking soda about a year and half ago and kept strictly to water and juice. Since using the Spark, i haven't been able to drink anything BUT water. Heres some really cool features about the Hidrate Spark that you should know!

  1. It comes with a free app for your Android or iPhone to track and review your intake via blue tooth compatibility. Also, it always tells you where you should be at for intake throughout the day.
  2. It tracks your daily intake- not only that but will save each day, week and month and make a graph so you can visually see the consistency of your water intake.
  3. The app is very streamline, and customize-able. One cool feature is you can customize your intake goal for the day. If you get behind, then you will get a glow notification. This feature you can customize the type, number and pattern of glow!
  4.  Comes in six colors!
I took a while to actually sit down and write my blog post because i really wanted to get a feel for the app, and also see how well the bottle actually worked. I think that at first i was a bit confused with the app, but i looked at the FAQ's and just played around with the bottle, and all of the settings and eventually figured it out. It really isn't a hard app to navigate; even your grandma could do it! I think that it is a quality product and very unique. So unique in fact that everyone at my hospital has seen it glowing and said, "Whoa! what is that?! Is that your water bottle?!"
I finally made my goal for the day! My bottle lit up as a celebratory glow!

Overall, i think that the Hidrate Spark is perfect for anyone. It makes a great gift for a birthday, or a special holiday like fathers day(hint hint). It doesn't matter what your goal is; this water bottle will help you and your body reach those goals a little bit easier. I hope everyone enjoys the post, and as always, leave a comment!

Here's where you can buy your own Hidrate Spark:

Disclaimer: I received one or more of the products listed above for free in exchange for an honest review. I am not required to write a positive review. All of the opinions I have expressed are my own or those of my family.


  1. This is definitely something I'm going to have to invest in. I struggle to count and meet my daily water goals and this is perfect. It matches the theme of using an app for my Fitbit and helps with on the go. Neat post!!

    1. It really motivates you to drink more as well, because you always want to see the dial go up!

  2. Waht a good idea. I´m always struggeling with drinking enough over the day

    1. I thought i was drinking enough but what ive noticed is i only will drink 40oz. The glowing actually helps remind you!

  3. Father's day gift. ahem hint. :D I don't think this good just for working out. For us who tend to get engrossed in our work, this is a great idea too!

    1. Haha for sure! I work in an animal hospital so in the midst of crazy you definitely forget to drink!

  4. This is definitely a product I need to look in to. I am HORRIBLE at drinking water. I barely get thirsty, so I just don't think about it. The only other thing I drink is tea, which is a dehydrator as well. So, I would really benefit from this water bottle for sure! Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

    1. Thanks for the comment! I think even with the app alone you tend to keep checking it to see if youve met your goal. You can even compete with friends and see how much they have drank!

  5. Looks like a pretty cool bottle! And a good idea for a father's day gift I'd say :)

  6. This is an awesome gift idea! I need this gadget!


  7. This is such a great idea. I know loads of people who could really benefit from this

  8. Replies
    1. Ive been using it over two weeks now and still love it!
